Monday, July 30, 2012

Bucket Lists

For today I'm going to go a little off topic and ask if anyone has/has ever made a bucket list? The two books I just finished reading (Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project and Noelle Hancock's My Year with Eleanor) are bucket list esque type memoirs and although I created my own bucket list at the start of summer, these books have inspired me to go even further with it.

So two questions for today: Do you have a bucket list? and Has a book ever inspired you to try something new/expand a project, etc?

Happy Monday readers and thank you for making this blog what it is becoming each day :)

Two ships passing in the..sunset. by rseidel3, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  rseidel3 


  1. I do have a bucket list. The biggest task on there for me is to visit every state before I am 30. I am about half way done.

    I'm a new follower.


  2. Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach. My book club read the Happiness Project this year. I think if I had that book way back when my kids were young, it would have been more helpful. Simple Abundance I found truly life changing for me when my kids were all in school and I was searching for me. I highly recommend it.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Pen and Paper.
    I've never had a bucket list as such though if I think about it to do so would surely be top of my list followed by learning to dance - easier said than done when you use crutches.
    As for a book ever inspiring me to try something new? Hmm, reading Donna Leon's books which are set in Venice inspired me to take a peek through our photo album, does that count?

  4. I don't have a formal bucket list but there definitely some things/places that I know I really want to do/see.

    Thanks so much for the award (sorry for the late reply but I've been travelling)!

  5. I do not have a bucket list but I think I might create one. Why not? It expands your imagination and answers the question "if you could do anything, what would it be?"

  6. Hi Christine,
    I've made a free website where you can manage your book collection. I thought you might find it useful :)

    Thanks a lot <3

  7. Hi Christine, My apologies that this is the first time I've dropped by to say hello.

    Such an interesting post. Whilst I suppose I do have a bucket list in my mind, its nothing something I've ever written down. Perhaps I should.

    Anyway, lovely to have met you, I've enjoyed my visit. PW


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